06 April 2013

Free Write. No time limit. Just....writing to write.

It was a warm and sunny day, though the wind was blowing fiercely along the shores of Lake Michigan.  The nearby towns were active with life and everyone was out doing something, if only to enjoy the wonderful weather. Whistling noises filled the air as the wind breezed in through the young girl's window as she sat there typing on her computer.  Her mind was blank aside from the words flowing out onto the computer's screen through her fingers. She hadn't sat down with any real reason except to write. There was nothing in particular that she wanted to write about, nothing that necessarily piqued her interest. So she did what she was best at and let herself just drift away on waves of words. Words that crashed against her mind, fighting to be let free from their prison. She could hear the seagulls outside of her bedroom window, circling around her house in search of food. Pesky creatures, those seagulls. They were always there, always circling. In a way, they reminded her of vultures. Waiting for that chance to swoop in and strike. She glanced out her window at the trees. They were barren, still naked from the harsh winter weather that the area had been dealing with for the past two months. Winter had arrived late and was staying even later, ensuring that everybody remembered it's existence. The grass was finally starting to turn green again though. Birds were out and chirping every morning. The squirrels were now seen running across lawns and through trees. Spring was almost here. Finally, it had almost returned. With spring came new life, new adventures and new ideas. As a time of rebirth, it brought forth the best of creation. There was always something inspiring to be found sitting just outside of her bedroom window. The neighbors came and went. The elderly walked their dogs and chatted about the latest achievement of their favorite grandchildren. Everyone was just enjoying life and basking in it's beauty. She envisioned the day spring would slowly fade into summer and everyone would be wearing shorts and tank tops in an attempt to fight off the blasting heat. It was something to look forward to yet something that could wait. There were still memories to be made in this lovely spring weather. Memories with friends both new and old, close and distant. She could feel the outdoors calling to her, enticing her to withdraw herself from her cramped bedroom and just enjoy the beauty of the outdoors. Which is exactly what she did. Having typed everything she could think of, the girl saved her work and shut her computer. She slid into her shoes, put her dog on his leash and stepped forth into the beauty of the world.