24 July 2013

Teen Wolf & Dylan O'Brien

So I've recently discovered the beauty that is Teen Wolf and more or less Dylan O'Brien. Not only is he super adorable, he's quite the comedian. I really think it would be awesome to meet him in person one of these days. 

I mean look at these gifs! He's silly cute :3 I can see him going really far in this entertainment industry because he's funny, good at improvisation and he's got the looks for it. But that's just my two cents.

The Breakup

Smiling wistfully at the boy who was sitting across from her, the young girl shook her head and looked away. Outside the café windows she could see the wind rushing through the trees and blowing the leaves onto the tops of the nearby parked cars. Her eyes flicked to the street lights about a block down the road as she tuned out the boy across from her. It was just your typical breakup speech anyway; nothing she hadn’t heard before. Why would I want to hear it again anyway? It’s not like it gets easier the more you hear it. Rain drops were bouncing off of the ground in front of the window and she sighed softly. The gloomy weather wasn’t helping her mood or the situation at all. Inside the café, the lights began flickering before they finally gave up and went out completely. It was just another factor to add to the gloom of her day. First the bus left without her. It was after that when she had food dumped on her at lunch. Now her boyfriend was breaking up with her in a cheap little café where the coffee tasted bitter and the interior design left a lot to be desired. Granted, it was a very familiar café that had become a place of happy times to her. Of all the places to pick, he chose to break up with me where we had our first date. Talk about heartless. A hand appeared in front of her face from out of the dark, waving as if to get her attention. The young girl looked back at the boy across from her and wondered what had ever gone wrong between them.