19 January 2013

Introduction to Percy and Bellona

   Percy wandered up and down the aisles of the library, following behind his best friend. Bellona was a girl of, eclectic taste. She liked things that many people found stranger and she wasn't afraid to admit that she liked Justin Bieber... a bit to his dismay. He didn't understand the appeal of a nineteen year old Canadian singing like a girl, he really didn't. Despite that, Bellona was his best friend. She was also the one thing that kept him from becoming a complete douche like the rest of the popular kids. The girl was his link to humanity. Humanity that many of the other popular kids seemed to have forgotten. All except for Jake, but he was a nice guy due to Taylor... although thinking about that pair would throw his mind into a whirlwind of thoughts he didn't want to try and think through.
   "Earth to Percy! Percy! Percy Jackson!"
   Percy's attention snapped to the petite brunette in front of him, his brow furrowed at the nickname. His best friend loved to read books and one of her favorite series was the Percy Jackson one. Fitting, he supposed, since she had a Roman based first name and his middle name was well, the same as the main character's. But he really din't like that nickname. His last name wasn't Jackson, her was. But because of who she was and what she meant to him, he smiled, albeit a bit sardonically.
   "Yes, Miss Jackson?"
   "I think we should trade last names. I like yours better. Besides, then I could call you Percy Jackson without you getting all huffy at me!"
   This girl would be the death of him and he knew it. But she was funny, and in her own little way, cute. Yes, he called his best friend cute. It meant nothing more than that, because they had already defined that they would never date because it would be too awkward for them, especially if they ever broke up.
   "How about no? Are you ready to go yet? I wanna go home and watch Tower Heist."
   "Fine... I guess so. Let me go check these out, mkay?"
   Smiling at the fact that he had won, Percy followed along behind his best friend to the circulation desk.
   The two stood waiting patiently, the line slowly progressing forward as the worker checked them all out. Percy looked around, wondering where the other workers were at. It was a Saturday morning, meaning it was quite unusual for there to be only one person working at the desk. His eyes drifted to the person standing in front of him, whose arms were laden with books. He wore a red shit and dark jeans, though that was all Percy could see from where he was standing. Percy watched as the boy began trying to stuff all of the books he had checked out into a backpack that was becoming close to full. One of the books fell and landed in front of Bellona. Percy and Bellona watched the boy in front of them with slightly amused smiles. It wasn't uncommon to see people having issues carrying all of the books they checked out. When the boy looked at her and apologized, she just smiled. "It's quite all right. I mean, you're not causing me any trouble. I'm Bellona," she said as she stuck out her hand for him to shake. Percy watched as the realization of how silly it was to try and shake hands with someone whose hands were too full. Her face brightened quickly, making him chuckle at his friend's obvious blonde moment.
   Percy gave the guy in front of them another quick once over. He didn't seem too bad. Percy had definitely never seen him around the school, that much he knew. "Don't mind her. She's always got her head up in the clouds. I'm Percy. And you are?" he asked. Politely of course. No need to be rude to someone he didn't know.
   The boy spazzed out when Bellona offered him her hand and then proceeded to drop three more books. He had a crazy look in his eyes, one that Percy didn't like. Especially because the boy's gaze was set on his best friend. It brought forth the defensive side of him, the one that was usually hidden. Hidden because nobody really had the guts to mess with him or any of his friends.
   "Eh, Jimmy Novak," was all the boy said. His voice was thick with a Canadian accent, something not completely uncommon for northern Indiana. Well, at least in the city that they lived in. Percy watched his best friend, awaiting the mess that she was about to become out of embarrassment. And cue it in three, two, one...
   With a startled look, Bellona let out a surprised squeak, watching all of his books fall. "Oh god, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to startle you, Jimmy. So sorry," she said, ending the sentence with another soft apology. Percy knew his best friend, knew that her heart was probably racing right now. And it would be racing for a number of reasons. For one, she would feel like she'd made herself look to be like a fool. For two, she had a thing for accents. As she had once put it, they made her heart pitter patter. Her eyes looked Jimmy over from head to toe briefly. Percy could see the thoughts racing through her mind. The ones that said this boy was new and therefore she had to extend the offer of friendship so that he wouldn't feel lonely in this new place.
   Grabbing a pen and a slip of paper from her purse, she scribbled her number down and set the slip of paper on top of his books. "If you ever want someone to hang out with, or to you know, show you around town or something, call me, kay? Again...sorry about startling you," she said.
Percy watched the scene play out before him with an amused expression on his face. This guy was hella jumpy, almost to the point where he looked constantly paranoid. Of course, with an accent that thick, it was obvious he was new to town so maybe he had a reason to be paranoid. Maybe he was in Witness Protection and his name wasn't really Jimmy Novak. Who was Percy to judge though? He tried to avoid that, as hard as it was sometimes. "It was nice to meet you, Jimmy," he said, giving the other boy a brief head nod.
   Typical Bellona, always trying to be welcoming to new people in town. It was one of her greatest qualities, her never ending kindness. Jimmy walked out of the library with his books and Percy watched quietly from inside the library as he walked over to a car.
Percy then turned and gave Bellona a gentle push towards the counter. He pulled out his library card and gave it to the lady at the desk before hearing Bellona let out a startled squeal and dash out the doors of the library. Shaking his head, the boy gave the lady behind the desk an apologetic smile before taking his card and the books and trying to follow after his best friend.

"Jimmy! Jimmy, wait!" Bellona stopped in front of him, and the lady she assumed was his mother, completely out of breath. "You left... your wallet. You left it on the counter," she said, her breathe coming out in short pants. Bellona held out her hand, Jimmy's wallet in it, with a small smile towards him.
   He awkwardly glanced in either direction to the side of her, causing her to do the same. Was he looking to see where Percy was? Her eyes drifted to her feet, as they so often did when she felt shy such as she did now.
   "Thank you."
   Bellona nodded and stood up straight, feeling foolish for having run after him like a maniac. But she knew what it was like to realize you had misplaced your wallet and she could honestly say that she never wished that feeling on someone else. When she looked up from her feet, her gaze locked onto his and she felt a chill run down her spine. He had beautiful eyes, ones that seemed to draw her in, almost like a vortex. She could see a darkness in them, one like she had never before seen. Blinking, she blushed a bit and dipped her head a bit. "It was a pleasure meeting you, Jimmy. Hopefully I'll see you around?" She left it hanging in the air as more of a question than a statement. She honestly wanted to get to know this kid, because to be honest, he was surrounded by a shroud of mystery that she wanted to push aside. Bellona wanted to get to know the real Jimmy Novak, if he would allow her to.
   She watched Jimmy glance briefly to his right before his gaze returned to her. "Yes, perhaps. See you later, eh?" He opened the car door and awkwardly waved one hand at her before giving a slight nod to the woman in the driver's seat.

   Percy walked out of the library, stack of books in hand, just in time to see Jimmy get in a car and for the driver to drive away. He looked at Bellona, whose face was pink from blushing and bit back a snarky comment. She looked like she'd seen... something spectacular, like the aurora borealis or something akin to it. He had a sneaking suspicion it had something to do with Jimmy. Percy didn't know if he liked that idea or not. "Bell?" He spoke softly, not wanting to startle her.
   With a jump, Bellona turned to look at him and smiled slightly. "Gods, you scared me Percy. Ready to go, I presume?" When he nodded, Bellona bit her lip and nodded, grabbing his free hand and holding it loosely. To anyone passing by, they looked like a couple. To them, being this close was normal. It was just how they were with each other. Best friends that could be lovers, but never wanted to be lovers
   "I'm hungry. Can we stop and get some food somewhere?" she asked him, an inquisitive look on her face.
   Percy looked down at his best friend and nodded, not sure where they would stop, or what even sounded good. Aside from food. Food always sounded good.

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